Reporting of flying hours and landings

Once a year, owners or regular users of Danish registered aircrafts (OY-XXX) shall report flying hours and landings.

The reported data is used by the Aviation Authority, in analysis of flight safety, by The Danish Accident Investigation Board, ICAO and Statistics Denmark.

The reporting is in accordance to “BL 1-11” (Regulations for Civil Aviation) dot 4.1, which states that owner/regular users of Danish registered aircrafts shall report their flying hours and landings for the preceding year, by 1st of February the following year, at the latest, to The Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority. 

How do you report?

It is recommended for individual persons to report via, which you can access through the link in "Report of flying hours and landings" further down on this page. That page is however only available in Danish and for people with “NemID”. If you for the preceding reasons not are able to use, you can send an e-mail to The Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority with the following information:

  • Full name
  • Registration (OY-XXX)
  • Hours flown in the preceding year
  • Landings in the preceding year

Reporting of a larger number of aircrafts

If you are reporting a larger number of aircrafts at the same time, you can fill in the Excel document, which is found below on this page. The document is available for anyone but is recommended only for reporting of a larger number of aircrafts reported at the same time. The document can be uploaded to via the link in "Report of flying hours and landings" on this page.

If that solution is not available for you, you can send it to The Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority. 


You will receive a receipt for your reporting, when using, which you can access through the link in "Report of flying hours and landings" on this page. If you wish a receipt for your reporting done by e-mail, please state that in the e-mail you are sending.

Except from reporting

Aircrafts which has not flown in the preceding year and has not been airworthy for the whole preceding year is except from reporting in accordance with “AIC B 01/21”. AIC’s can be seen on Naviair's website. The site is available in English, however most of the specific AIC’s are not. If you have any questions, you can send an e-mail to The Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority. 


The Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority
Carsten Niebuhrs Gade 43
1577 Copenhagen V


Report of flying hours and landings

Once a year, flight owners or regular users of an aircraft registered in Denmark must report flight hours and landings.



Example of Excel standard for reporting flying hours and landings

Recommended for report of a larger number of aircrafts.


Last updated 01-03-2021